Saturday I never opened my computer. I barely glanced at my phone (which does happen to house my email, facebook, pages manager, google drive and a myriad of other apps from which to work virtually).

A tech-fast: and I do not mean FAST tech. Huh. Did not know it was a thing, or perhaps I have invented it? (Note: nope, turns out there is an article in Psychology Today from 2012 discussing this very thing). It felt weird. It felt strange. It felt… good. My husband is glad I did – since while I was tech-fasting I did happen to domestic goddess for several hours.

It’s a given that I should have accomplished something, right? I was tempted to lounge in the shade in the backyard. But instead I refurbed the fish tank. I sorted and tossed a ton of paperwork. I organized tax related docs. I cleared off the desk in the office. I did the dishes and put them away <<–not usually done all in one fell swoop! I took my basement office apart and cleaned under every nook and cranny and started to rebuild. OK I admit it, I didn’t have a rebuild setup in mind and still don’t but it will come. I don’t mind telling you: my feet and my back hurt!

My virtual assisting is a lot like that. Most assignments are cut and dried and poof – done! Some require creativity. Like wrestling SocialReport into submission when I’m used to CoSchedule for a certain someone. Or creating the email and social strategy for a VERY technical subject about which I understand very little. Which is why you will see me online at odd hours (I live on Eastern time). When inspiration hits, I get it done!

I will say though, sometimes a tech-fast is just what is needed for rejuvenation. If you are on the verge of taking your business to the next level or caught in a rut from which you have just now realized you must break free – try a day long tech-fast. Have a look at a recent article I stumbled upon:

I am really ready for Monday, are you?